根據露德協會提供的資訊: 愛滋病毒(HIV)為人類免疫缺乏病毒,單指病
毒,而愛滋病(AIDS) 為後天免疫缺乏症候群,是指得到愛滋病毒(HIV)的人
Stopping the Spread of HIV | 防範愛滋病毒散播 |
Thanks to the antiviral drug zidovudine (AZT), the rates of perinatal transmission of HIV are dropping dramatically in some parts of the world. In the U.S., fewer than 100 HIV-positive babies were diagnosed in 2015. | 抗病毒藥物齊多夫定(zidovudine)問世以來,愛滋病毒的周產期感染率在部分地區已出現顯著下降。2015年,美國被診斷出感染愛滋病毒的嬰兒數少於100名。 |
About 150,000 babies are diagnosed with HIV each year globally, only one fourth of the number in the 1990s. However, more than 400 babies are born with the virus every day, and a majority of them are from less privileged communities. This means that the key to reduce that number lies not in making new advances in medicine, but in making the infection-blocking drugs more accessible. | 每年,全球約有十五萬嬰兒感染愛滋病毒,僅有1990年代的四分之一。然而,每天仍有超過四百名受感染的嬰兒出生,且多是在較貧困的地區。這意味著降低感染率的關鍵已不只是研發新的藥物,而是如何使抗感染的藥物更加普及。 |
Studies show that, if treated properly, women can end up with HIV levels so low that the babies, though sharing mothers' blood in utero, won't be infected. A growing number of HIV experts agree that this model doesn't just benefit expectant mothers and their babies, but could also help reduce the spread of the epidemic as a whole. | 研究顯示,若帶原的孕婦接受妥善治療,血液中的病毒量將降至極低,即便與子宮中的嬰兒有血液交換,也不會將病毒傳染給嬰兒。越來越多專家認為這個模式不只幫助孕婦和新生兒,更有助於防止病毒傳播擴散。 |
Even if the treatment for expectant moms didn't happen in time, there are still hopes. The World Health Organization recommends early detection and consistent treatment for treating babies with HIV, which could bring the infants' viral load down to prevent full-blown AIDS. | 即便孕婦未能及時接受治療,情況仍有轉機。世界衛生組織(WHO)的建議是及早發現、持續治療,能抑制嬰兒血液中的病毒量,防止愛滋病發生。 |
Still, various factors are keeping women from getting tested, the first step of the model. These factors includes social pressure, stigma against the disease, and lack of awareness or access to medication. |
檢查是防治的第一步;然而,許多因素使女性不願接受檢查,包含社會壓力、疾病的污名化、缺乏相關認知和醫療資源。 |
Word List: antiviral 抗病毒的、perinatal transmission 周產期傳染、 diagnose 診斷、 privilege 優勢特權、infection 感染、 expectant 懷孕的、epidemic 傳染病、stigma 汙名 |