
Animals at Play?










Animals at Play


For a long time, people believed that play is something limited to mammals like kittens, chimps, and us. However, more studies reveal that fish, reptiles, and even some invertebrates show playful behavior. Here are some stories and facts about animals playing:


Pigface, a Nile soft-shelled turtle who spent nearly his entire life along at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. In the 1980s, when he was in his 40s, he began biting himself and clawing at his face. No one back then thought reptiles could get bored. But they gave him a basketball anyway- and they were amazed to see that he started to knock the ball around and chased it like a frolicking dog.



A Canadian researcher learned that two of her octopus research subjects had repeatedly blown jet streams of water at floating empty pill bottles, shooting them across the surface of their tanks.



Playful behaviors are even observed among spiders, which have no cortex at all. The male and immature female Anelosimus studiosus spiders engage in what researchers called “almost-sex”. In real sex, the male is likely to end up being eaten by the female, but in the play interactions, no male is ever killed.

玩耍行為甚至也出現在連中樞也沒有的蜘蛛身上。學名Anelosimus studiosus的蜘蛛中,雄性會與未成熟的雌性進行「近交配」。在真正的交配過程後,雄性極可能被雌性吃掉,但在這遊戲般的過程中,從未有雄性被殺死。


In April 2013, some geckos were put on the unmanned spacecraft BION-M. In microgravity, it is less energetically costly for reptiles to play, so they started to play with the stuff around them.



For some, the stories clearly show that these animals engage in some form of play. But not everyone is convinced. For one, it is hard for researchers to formulate a solid working definition of what constitutes play. For mammals similar to humans, one can usually identify play behavior by simply looking for behaviors that are reminiscent of a child playing, or by equating the behavior to that seen in animals where play is obvious, such as puppies. But to observe animals so different from us, it is almost impossible to assign human emotions.


In addition, the function of play in animals remains enigmatic. They are certainly not doing it for their survival or procreation. So what for?


A theory suggests that play may be “an outflow of their curiosity, cognitive ability and their wish to explore the environment.” Another says that the act of play benefits them: it exercises muscles, helps them explore their surroundings or provides them with experiences, like the spiders’ almost-sex.


Then comes the question of fun. We can easily tell from body language and facial expressions that a mammal is having a good time; however, non-mammalians play is a different story. Till today, it remains unclear that if they are capable of feeling “fun” at all.




    新聞編譯 翻譯 動物
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