World's last male northern white rhino gets help from Tinder |
世界上最後的白犀牛加入Tinder |
A conservancy in Kenya is cooperating with the Tinder dating app to save northern white rhino from extinction. They set up an account for the species’ last male, Sudan, to raise fund. |
為了拯救瀕臨絕種的北非白犀牛,肯亞的環境保護協會與交友程式Tinder展開合作,為最後一隻雄性白犀牛蘇丹建立帳號募款。 extinction 滅絕、species 物種 |
“I don't mean to be too forward, but the fate of the species literally depends on me,” the rhino's profile says. “I perform well under pressure.” But in fact, the 43-year-old is unable to breed naturally due to old age and other issues. |
蘇丹的頁面寫著:「我不想顯得太急切,但族群的命運落在我的肩上了。我在壓力中會表現得更出色。」但事實上,四十三歲的蘇丹因為年齡和其他問題,已無法自然繁殖。 breed 繁殖 |
The campaign, launched by Ol Pejeta Conservancy, is called "The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World." It aims to raise $9 million for research into breeding methods, including in-vitro fertilization. The dating app helps to spread the message to 190 countries, in over 40 languages. |
這個由Ol Pejeta環保協會創辦的計畫名為「合格單身漢」,目標是募款九百萬美元,將投入育種方法的研究,包含體外人工受孕。而Tinder協助將相關訊息用超過40種語言,散播到190個國家。 launch 發起、fertilization 受精 |
The conservancy's chief executive officer, Richard Vigne, said that their ultimate aim is to reintroduce a viable population of northern white rhino back into the wild, where their true value will be realized. |
協會的執行長李察.維吉尼表示,他們的最終目標是讓數量足夠的白犀牛重返自然,自行繁衍,發揮其真正的價值。 ultimate 最終、viable 足夠的/可行的 |
1, extinction 是絕種、滅絕的意思,在生態保育類的文章,常會有
save a species from extinction 這種說法。已經絕種的生物是
extinct species,而瀕臨絕種可用 endangered 這個字。
2. breed 當動詞有繁殖、飼養的意思,而當名詞則是品種,例如:
Most birds breed in spring. 大部分鳥類在春季繁殖。
She breeds corgis illigally. 她非法繁殖柯基。
What's your favorite breed of dog/dog breed? 你最喜歡的犬種是?
3. in-vitro fertilization 是體外人工受孕,也可以說 artificial
體,此技術生成的嬰兒稱為 test tube baby 試管嬰兒。(更多資訊)
(北非白犀牛照片,from wiki)