US carrier dispatched amid North Korea tensions |
朝鮮半島局勢緊張 美軍航母備戰 |
Tensions heighten on the Korean Peninsula with the United States and South Korea are conducting their biggest-ever military exercises and the USS Carl Vinson heading to the area to show American might. North Korea decried Tuesday the drill as a threat and vowed a tougher response. |
隨著朝鮮半島局勢升溫,美國與南韓進行至今最大規模軍事演練,並派遣卡爾文森號航空母艦向朝鮮半島進發,以展現美國的軍力。北韓於周二譴責此軍事行動威脅國安,並誓言採取強烈手段回應。 |
The North has warned that if the U.S. dares to take preemptive attack, the country is “ready to react to any mode of war desired by the U.S.” |
北韓將此行動視為威脅,宣稱若美國選擇採取先發制人的攻勢,北韓已準備好面對任何美方期望的戰爭模式。 |
Washington is "not tolerable" for Pyongyang to be nuclearized. President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed on the "shared national interest" on this subject. Still, President Xi advocates for a more peaceful but time-consuming approach. |
華府展現明確態度,將不會容忍北韓擁有核武。總統川普與中國國家主席習近平皆認同,阻止其盟國北韓發展核武將帶來兩國的「共同利益」。但習近平盼望採取較和平的手段。 |
In response, Trump tweeted that “If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them!” |
川普總統於推特上對此做出回應:「北韓在找麻煩。若中國決定幫忙,那很好;若否,美國會獨立解決問題!」 |
Word List: tension 緊繃局勢、might 軍力、dispatch 派遣、military 軍事、decry 譴責、 drill 演練、preemptive 預先、tolerable 容忍的、ally 同盟、advocate 支持 |
1. 首先來看 tension 這個字,一般用來指「緊繃或一觸即發的情勢」,例如:
His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.
Tension 當主詞時,常見的搭配用法有:
tensions heighten/rise/mount 局勢升溫
tensions dissolve/ease 局勢降溫
2. 再來是核能的相關單字,核能是 nuclear power 或 nuclear energy,核能
發電廠則是 nuclear power plant。至於軍事方面,說一個國家有核武能力,可
以用 be nuclearized,或是 have nuclear capacity。核彈是 nuclear bomb,
核彈頭則是 nuclear warhead。
3. 最後來看 decry 和 advocate 這兩個字,在新聞上常會看到表態「譴責」或
- The Opposition has condemned the government's proposed tax increases.
反對黨批評政府提出的增稅。Condemn 在語氣上會比 decry 輕一點。
- During the recession, the government opted for a policy of pay/wage restraint
rather than a reduction in public investment.
Advocate 可以用 opt for 代替,同樣也是比較輕一點。