U.N.: the World Faces Worst Humanitarian Crisis since 1945 | 四戰亂國鬧飢荒 逾2000萬人恐餓死 |
The United Nations stated Friday that the world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the establishment of U.N. in 1945, urging an injection of $4.4 billion for four countries, including Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria by July. Without global efforts, more than 20 million people in are expected to suffer starvation and famine. | 聯合國於上週五指出,世界正面臨1945年聯合國成立以來最大人道危機,呼籲全球合作,在七月前挹注四十四億美元援助,否則葉門、南蘇丹、索馬利亞及奈及利亞等四國逾兩千萬人將面臨飢荒。 |
The largest humanitarian crisis is in Yemen, the Arab world's poorest nation engulfed in conflict, where two-thirds of the population — 18.8 million people — need aid and more than 7 million people are hungry. Sustained humanitarian access is still denied by all parties to the conflict, and only 6% of aid has been received so far. | 四國中以葉門情況最為嚴重。葉門為阿拉伯半島最貧窮的國家,內戰不斷,超過三分之二的人口(約一千八百八十萬人)處於飢餓狀態。歐布萊恩表示,內戰勢力仍拒絕開放穩定的人道救援管道,目前僅有百分之六的援助順利抵達。 |
In South Sudan, a country ravaged by a three-year civil war, the man-made famine and fighting has made almost 200,000 people flee and more than one million children acutely malnourished. The outbreak of cholera since June 2016 only worsened the situation. | 南蘇丹歷經三年內戰,人囗的饑荒和動亂使近二十萬人口流離,且造成超過百萬孩童重度營養不良。2016年六月爆發的霍亂疫情讓情況加惡化。 |
In Somalia, a country last suffered a famine in 2011, more than half the population (6.2 million people) is in need of need humanitarian assistance and protection because of drought and starvation. But U.N. has since built a stronger partnership with the new government and had better controls on resources to avert a famine with sufficient funds. | 索馬利亞2011年才經歷過飢荒之苦,如今又因乾旱及饑饉,使逾二分之一人口(六百二十萬人)亟需人道救援及保護。聯合國於索國新政府建立較緊密的合作關係,且能較妥善運用資源,若有足夠資金,應能避免飢荒再度發生。 |
In northeast Nigeria, where a seven-year uprising by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram has killed more than 20,000 people and driven 2.6 million from their homes, malnutrition has caused some communities to lost all their toddlers and weakened the adults drastically. | 奈及利亞東北由伊斯蘭激進組織博科聖地發起的七年暴亂導致逾兩萬人死亡,兩百六十萬人被迫逃離家園。營養不良造成某些社區的嬰幼兒死亡,成人也變得極度虛弱。 |
Word List: humanitarian 人道的、crisis 危機、on the brink of 瀕臨、 starvation 飢餓、famine 飢荒、malnutrition 營養不良、 morality rate 致死率、impaired 受損的、stunt 延遲、afflict 折磨、 be engulfed in深陷、ravage 蹂躪、drought 乾旱、extremist 激進主義 |
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According to the U.N. definition, famine occurs when more than 30 percent of children under age five suffer from acute malnutrition and mortality rates are two or more deaths per 10,000 people every day. But by the time famine is declared, severe damages have already been done: malnutrition can result in permanently impaired brain function and other developmental stunting in children, leading to a generation afflicted by poor cognition and reduced earnings. | 依據聯合國定義,飢荒係指超過30%五歲以下的兒童重度營養不良,且致死率達每日萬分之二以上。但在飢荒發生前,營養不良將造成嚴重傷害,包含孩童腦部發展缺陷,以及其他發育遲緩,可能會導致整個世代的智能低落,收入銳減。 |